What Am I Buying?

You are purchasing your own Digital Agency. There are various types of agencies available, such as Digital Marketing Agency, Web Design Agency, Video Production Agency, etc.

What Will I Be Selling After I Purchase the Agency?

Your agency will be selling the following services: Web design, Facebook Ads & Social Media Posting, Content writing, Digital Marketing services, etc., depending on which agency you buy.

Who Will Provide the Above Services That I Sell?

Our team will provide all the services mentioned above, and we will also provide you with alternative suppliers as a backup.

How Does It Work?

1. Once you buy the agency, promote it with the simple marketing plan that we provide.
2. You get inquiries, which are easy to manage because all the info required from the prospective customer is simply laid out on the website.
3. The customer completes a purchase via PayPal, and you receive the funds in your PayPal Account.
4. You contact us via email with the order details and pay us the wholesale price (See example below).
5. From there onwards, you do not have to do anything. Our team  will take over.
6. We will coordinate with your customer on their requirements (Store design, drop shipping products, Facebook ads & social media requirements, etc.).
7. We deliver the service (within 5 working days) and provide after-sales service to your customer.

What Are the Profit Margins?

Profit margins range from 100%-200%.

Below is an Example:

Website Packages

Your Customer Selects an Enterprise Site

Your Charge: $600

Your Profit (wholesale price $300): $300

Your Customer Selects a Small Biz Site

Your Charge: $425

Your Profit (wholesale price $212): $213

Your Customer Selects a Start-Up Site

Your Charge: $250

Your Profit (wholesale price $150): $100

Facebook Ads Package

Package 1

Cost: $90

Sell: $169

Profit: $79

Package 2

Cost: $140

Sell: $329

Profit: $189

Package 3

Cost: $220

Sell: $439

Profit: $219

Social Media Posting Package

Cost: $20-$25

Sell: $149

Profit: $125

Who Will Provide Post Sale Customer Service to My Clients?

Our team.

What Are the Ongoing Expenses for the Agency Business?

Zero Expenses.

What Platform Is the Agency Website Built On?


How Do I Get Paid?

We have installed PayPal. PayPal supports all debit and credit cards worldwide. Your customer does not need a PayPal account to pay you.

Do You Offer Support Post Sale?

We offer Free Lifetime support.

What Is Included in the Sale of the Agency Business?

Ownership of the agency business
Free Hosting and SSL certificate for life
Your own back office team dedicated only to you
Lifetime support
Premium website designed by our expert team
Admin area to manage your site's content and settings
Operational Guide
Advice on marketing, promoting and advertising your agency business
Simple and easy to follow step by step guides on how to run Facebook, Google, and Instagram adverts.